UK Multi Campers - for campers resident in the UK only.

Every year we have a number of campers who attend more than one of our camps. If you would like to be one of them, you have two options.  

Once you have submitted your booking form, we'll be in touch by Email with details of how to pay.

In both cases, we need a completed booking form so please complete one now by clicking here.

1. Make your own way to and from camp and go home between them.

If you choose 2 camps, we will offer you a discount of 5% of the cost of each camp.

If you attend all 3 camps, we will offer you a discount of 10% of the cost of each camp.

2. Stay with us between camps.

In this case, you make your own way to the first camp and your own way home after your last camp. We will provide meals and accommodation between camps and provide transport.

All inclusive: Dundee and Barrow camps - £1055.00

All inclusive: Barrow and Portsmouth camps - £1055.00

All inclusive: Dundee, Barrow and Portsmouth camps - £1730.00


Eurocamp 2025
Dundee: 20 to 25 July

Barrow 27 July to 1 August

Portsmouth 3 to 8 August 2025